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A template to retrieve all sorts of data related to the eras. Name, colour, names of goods, images of goods, commander multiplier, formatted texts and more.


| era     = [Era_Type]
| display = [Display_Type]


Parameter Description Default Required
Several inputs can be used for this parameter (not case sensitive):
  • 2-letter era short code (SA, BA, ME)
  • Full name (Stone Age, Bronze Age, Minoan Era)
  • Era number (1, 2, 3)
  • PE (Previous Era) or CE (Current Era) can be used when the [Display_Type] parameter is goods1, goods2, goods3 or goods4.
«era» Y
Select one of the following (not case sensitive):
  • lower
  • upper
  • lower_shadow
  • upper_shadow
  • short_shadow
  • short_colour
  • colour
  • box
  • goods1
  • goods2
  • goods3
  • goods4
  • multiplier
  • number
lower N


Description Code Output
Retrieve the regular case, full length name of an era
{{Era | era = SA}}
Stone Age
Retrieve the upper case, full length name of an era
{{Era | era = Stone Age | display = upper}}
Retrieve the regular case, full length name of an era with shadow
{{Era | era = 1 | display = lower_shadow}}
Stone Age
Retrieve the upper case, full length name of an era with shadow
{{Era | era = 2 | display = upper_shadow}}
Retrieve the upper case, short code of an era with shadow
{{Era | era = ME | display = short_shadow}}
Retrieve a small coloured box with the era short code
{{Era | era = ME | display = short_colour}}
Create a div block with the era colour and full-length, uppercase, bold text
{{Era | era = BA | display = box}}
Retrieve an era colour
<div style="width: 50px; height: 50px; background: {{Era | era = ME | display = colour}};"></div>
Retrieve the text for goods of an era
{{Era | era = CG | display = goods1}}
Primary: CG
{{Era | era = PE | display = goods2}}
Secondary goods of Previous Era
{{Era | era = CE | display = goods3}}
Tertiary goods of Current Era
Retrieve the icons of all goods of an era
{{Era | era = ER | display = goods4}}
Retrieve the multiplier for a commander's stats based on the player's era
{{Era | era = RE | display = multiplier}}
Retrieve the number of an era (BE is the 7th era)
{{Era | era = BE | display = number}}