World Wonders

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World wonders are built in the capital city and allied cultures. This provide various buffs to production, research, worker count, and more.

A wonder is automatically unlocked and is level 1 once a blueprint has been obtained. Players can help others with a donation of resources up to 5 times per day. Each wonder can receive 3 donations from others per level.

There are 4 slots to accommodate wonders in the capital city and 4 slots to accommodate Wonders of the allied cultures for a total of 8 active wonders.
Presets allow for the creation and swapping of favourite wonder sets. Swapping between an 'Alliance Treasure Hunt' set and a 'production' set has never been easier. Maximize the collection of research points with presets that take advantage of wonder synergies. 2 presets are available for free, and another 2 are available for 500 gems each.

Blueprints come in 2 varieties; rare and legendary. Most wonder blueprints are defined as rare, while the wonders requiring legendary blueprints have a golden glow around the wonder picture.

The pity system allows for any blueprint to be guaranteed after 10 orbs, if no blueprint has been obtained in the previous 9 orbs.

The pity system allows for a legendary blueprint to be guaranteed after 80 orbs, if no legendary blueprint has been obtained in the previous 79 orbs.

Additional Pages

Contribution Rewards


Wonder Groups

Wonders of the Ancient World

The blueprints for these Wonders are available from Bronze Age and have a random chance of being acquired from orbs.
Capital City
Temple Statue
Hanging Gardens.png
Capital City
Nature Palace
Statue of Zeus.png
Capital City
Temple of Artemis.png
Capital City
Cheops Pyramid.png
Great Sphinx.png
Abu Simbel.png
Tomb of Mausolus.png
Capital City
Lighthouse of Alexandria.png
Capital City
Naval Temple
Colossus of Rhodes.png
Capital City
Naval Statue

Wonders of the Great Empires

The blueprints for these Wonders are available from Early Rome and have a random chance of being acquired from orbs.
Hagia Sophia.png
Capital City
Capital City
Arena Fortress
Palace of Aachen.png
Capital City
Palace Fortress
Sherwood Forest.png
Capital City
Nature Fortress
Terracotta Army.png
Statue Fortress
Forbidden City.png
Temple Palace
Great Wall.png
Sayil Palace.png
Maya Empire
Palace Fortress
Maya Empire
Chichen Itza.png
Maya Empire
Temple Arena

Wonders from Stories and Myths

The blueprints for these Wonders are available from Early Rome and have a random chance of being acquired from orbs.
Capital City
Nature Fortress
Cité de Carcassonne.png
Capital City
Palace Fortress
Leaning Tower of Pisa.png
Capital City
Nature Temple
Viking Kingdom
Nature Statue
Dragonship Ellida.png
Viking Kingdom
Viking Kingdom

Wonder Synergies

Wonder Synergies
The bonus counts other Wonders that have the type required but excludes itself if it has the same type.

The synergy bonus for Stonehenge is to produces 1 RP for each Temple type.
While Stonehenge is a Temple type, it does not count itself.
If the Cheops Pyramid was activated, also a Temple type, this would count as 1 other Temple type and Stonehenge will start producing 1 RP as a synergy bonus.

  • AW - Ancient World
  • GE - Great Empires
  • SM - Stories and Myths
GroupWonderSlotArena Material.png
Fortress Material.png
Nature Material.png
Naval Material.png
Palace Material.png
Statue Material.png
Temple Material.png
Synergy Bonus
AWStonehengeCapital CityStatue Material.png STemple Material.png TTemple: 1 RP/1d
AWHanging GardensCapital CityNature Material.png NPalace Material.png PPalace: Food +8%
AWStatue of ZeusCapital CityStatue Material.png SStatue: Infantry Damage +4%
AWTemple of ArtemisCapital CityTemple Material.png TStatue: Ranged Damage +4%
AWCheops PyramidAllied: EgyptTemple Material.png TTemple: 60 of each previous era goods
AWGreat SphinxAllied: EgyptStatue Material.png SStatue: Cavalry Damage +4%
AWAbu SimbelAllied: EgyptPalace Material.png PStatue: 1 RP/1d
AWTomb of MausolusCapital CityTemple Material.png TTemple: 100 current era primary goods
AWLighthouse of AlexandriaCapital CityNaval Material.png NTemple Material.png TNaval: Trade: Goods +5%
AWColossus of RhodesCapital CityNaval Material.png NStatue Material.png SNaval: Donations: Gears +5%
GEHagia SophiaCapital CityTemple Material.png T-
GEColosseumCapital CityArena Material.png AFortress Material.png FStatue: Heavy Infantry Damage +4%
GEPalace of AachenCapital CityFortress Material.png FPalace Material.png PFortress: Infantry HP +2%
GESherwood ForestCapital CityFortress Material.png FNature Material.png NFortress: Ranged HP +2%
GETerracotta ArmyAllied: ChinaFortress Material.png FStatue Material.png SFortress: Heavy Infantry HP +2%
GEForbidden CityAllied: ChinaPalace Material.png PTemple Material.png TTemple: 60 of each current era goods
GEGreat WallAllied: ChinaFortress Material.png FFortress: +1 RP/1d
GESayil PalaceAllied: MayaFortress Material.png FPalace Material.png PFortress: Bastion HP +2%
GETikalAllied: MayaArena Material.png AArena: Boost Capital Goods +5%
GEChichen ItzaAllied: MayaArena Material.png ATemple Material.png TArena: Ranged Critical Hit Chance +1%
SMAlhambraCapital CityFortress Material.png FNature Material.png N-
SMCité de CarcassonneCapital CityFortress Material.png FPalace Material.png P-
SMLeaning Tower of PisaCapital CityNature Material.png NTemple Material.png TNature: Speed up RP regen 2.5%
SMYggdrasilAllied: VikingsNature Material.png NStatue Material.png S-
SMDragonship EllidaAllied: VikingsNaval Material.png N-
SMValhallaAllied: VikingsArena Material.png APalace: All Units Damage +1.5%