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Items Description

Age Up Kit
Increases the Age of the selected Evolving Building by one, updating its output. It can't be increased higher than your currently researched Age.
Using this item does not reset any production timers.

Barracks Refill Selection Kit
This Selection Kit lets you choose between different items to refill your barracks with new troops.

Siege Barracks Refill
This item instantly refills all your siege barracks with new troops.

Heavy Infantry Barracks Refill
This item instantly refills all your heavy infantry barracks with new troops.

Infantry Barracks Refill
This item instantly refills all your infantry barracks with new troops.

Cavalry Barracks Refill
This item instantly refills all your cavalry barracks with new troops.

Ranged Barracks Refill
This item instantly refills all your ranged barracks with new troops.

Complete Barracks Refill
This item instantly refills all your standard barracks with new troops.

Wonder Army Refill Item
This item refills the units produced by Wonders.

Mercenary Selection Kit
This Selection Kit lets you choose between different Mercenary Commanders.

Squad Healing Item
This item heals one squad which died in the battle.

Complete Healing Item
This item heals all units which died in the battle.

Negotiation Turn Item
This item grants you an additional turn in the Negotiation minigame.

Negotiation Joker
You can use this item in an ongoing negotiation game to successfully solve a single slot without using any resources.

Production Skip Item
This item instantly finishes the chosen production.

Construction Skip Item
This item instantly finishes the chosen construction or upgrade.