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Abbreviations are used in chat to shorten text for easier reading. You will often find this useful for chat in-game or Discord.

RoC - Rise of Cultures
AM1 - Game Server 1: Americas & Asia
AM2 - Game Server 2: Americas & Asia
EU1 - Game Server 1: Europe
EU2 - Game Server 2: Europe
RP - Research Point
BP - Blueprint
PF - Pirate Fortress
AC - Alliance City

SA - Stone Age
BA - Bronze Age
ME - Minoan Era
CG - Classic Greece
ER - Early Rome
RE - Roman Empire
Byz - Byzantine Era
AoF - Age of the Franks
FA - Feudal Age
IE - Iberian Era
KoS - Kingdom of Sicily
HM / HMA - High Middle Ages

WW - World Wonders
AW - [Category] Wonders of the Ancient World
GE - [Category] Wonders of the Great Empires
SM - [Category] Wonders from Stories and Myths
SH - Stonehenge
HG - Hanging Gardens
SoZ / Zeus - Statue of Zeus
ToA - Temple of Artemis
ToM - Tomb of Mausolus
Cheops - Cheops Pyramid
GS / Sphinx - Great Sphinx
AS / Abu - Abu Simbel
LoA - Lighthouse of Alexandria
CoR - Colossus of Rhodes
HS - Hagia Sofia
Col - Colosseum
PoA / Aachen - Palace of Aachen
SF - Sherwood Forest
TA / Terra - Terracotta Army
FC - Forbidden City
GW - Great Wall
Sayil - Sayil Palace
Carcassonne - Cité de Carcassonne
Ygg - Yggdrasil
Val - Valhalla
Dragonship - Dragonship Ellida

ATH / TH - Alliance Treasure Hunt
Inf - Infantry
Archers / Ranged - Ranged
Cav - Cavalry
HI - Heavy Infantry
IG - Imperial Guard (Palace of Aachen units)

Minos - King Minos
Leo - Leonidas
Alex - Alexander
Queen X - Queen Xochitl
Idia - Queen Idia
Qin - Emperor Qin
Vlad / Dracula - Vlad Dracula
Ragnar - Ragnar Lodbrok