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Alliance City.png

The alliance city is made up of 4 quarters, each with a different objectives and bonuses.
Collect alliance resources to unlock technology for any of the 4 quarters.
Once a technology is unlocked, the building will require alliance resources before starting the upgrade to the next level.

Explorers Quarter
Alliance Explorers Quarter.png
The Explorers Quarter unlocks alliance city incidents and provides bonuses to increase alliance city incident power, increase alliance city incident slots, and increase alliance city incident rating.
Production Quarter
Alliance Production Quarter.png
The Production Quarter lets players work on collecting alliance resources and provides bonuses to increase alliance city resources per hour, unlocking different alliance city resources, and increasing alliance city production slots.
Residential Quarter
Alliance Residential Quarter.png
The Residential Quarter provides bonuses to increase alliance city upgrade power, increase alliance city upgrade slots, and increase the maximum number of alliance members.
Main Quarter
Alliance Main Quarter.png
The Main Quarter provides alliance city resources and research points every 24 hours.
Alliance Technology.png
Cost of alliance city technology upgrades.
Alliance Incidents
Alliance Incident.png
Details of alliance incidents and rewards.